No matter how much stormlight he was given…
Who let him into the war camps?
Rosharan press conferences like
Name the top five best lightweavers of all time
First time dad, why is everything so big
Which boss do you regret killing every time?
Dalinar before and after marrying his first wife
Advice AITAH
Did I lock myself out of Ranni's questline?
Longboi crossover meme inbound
Do you think Sosebron ever......?
How do you hope Moash dies?
High Prince of the Peaks
I hate intelligent woman!
Gamer dads, when do you have time to play and what you playing?
these things have consequences you know
Not a joke but is a side effect of Strattera that it makes your nipples hard or more sensitive?
Magic on Sel or something idk I've never read Adonis
Which character from any other series is most likely to be Hoid?
Shallan introducing herself
It’s true - a radiant told me, and they can’t lie
Qanon believer says presidential inauguration is on March 4th and Zelensky is going to take out Trump. Turns out Trump is evil.
This desolation will not stand man!
Let’s name a bong
ROW beginning confusion