how much film do you usually have at one time?
What a realistic thumb
A day in the life of a forester. HP5 w/ green filter
If you were going to have one boot for 70% casual and 30% what would it be?
Sizing question
Democrats look to save face in shutdown battle. (fake-out)
Time to Step Aside Schumer-You’ve Lost The Plot
How do I get my passion back?
Gifford Pinchot National Forest - 1984 Cutting Rate vs 2024
Buy/Sell/Trade 03/08/25
How many rolls of film (and which film stocks) have you shot so far in 2025?
20mm vs 24mm to go with a 40mm lens
Smoky boots
Explain macro ratios to me like I’m 5. 1:2 1:1 2:1 etc. why does it matter
Thoughts on ais 24mm f/2.8 vs f/2 for film?
It was nice to be out in the woods today
Interesting find at work today
A nice day in the mountains | Color Plus
Color Plus is underrated. Nikon FM3a. Voigtlander f/2 40mm
Xtol VS 510 Pyro? HP5 & TriX
worst/overrated 35mm point-and-shoot cameras in your opinion?
Ektar 100 - 2 stops
N90 lens recommendations
Is this Nikon F2 good for a beginner?