Chicken shawarma. Home made tzaziki... Simple dinner.
Chicken meal prep time!
How much would you pay for a used large BGE?
Spatchcock chicken dinner - raised direct setup
Is this hardwood lump any good?
Shredded lamb shoulder!
Dino beef ribs ~250-275F.
ox tail over polenta and mushrooms
game tickets question
grouper on the egg! @500f for 12 min.
whole lamb shoulder on the egg. delicious!
neo neapolitan pizza on the egg! and nutella s'mores dessert pizza
surf and turf on the Egg! Delicious!
~10lbs brisket flat. Fat side down till 170F, then turn over to fat side up. Hit the stall at 180F for couple hours. Took about 9 hours to complete.
About 70 wings on XL. Indirect @425ish for about 50 mins.
Want to get a big green egg but new to grilling. Is it hard to use or keep a steady temp?
Corn on the Egg!
Lamb chops
Pizza time! First time doing pizza on the egg. Turned perfect. Temp range 550ish to 600f. About 2 to 3 minutes. pizza napoletana and cheese pizza.
You guys are engaging in market manipulation
7 hours at 250 on the egg then in cooler for 3 hours before slicing...
Smoked beef ribs. @225. 7 hours. 45 mins rest before slicing.
Beef back ribs. Dry rubbed and over night in fridge. 6 hours @ 250ish. 3 hours unwrapped, then 3 hours in foil with half bottle of beer. Fall off the bone ribs. Some whiskey in between cooking.
Chicken and fish dinner!
Pixel 4/4XL Black Friday Sale available on Google Store