Thank you for the dip and the tax returns!!! Finally an X,XXX holder!!!
What is the first movie that pops into your head when you see Keanu Reeves?
Most attractive character you’ve seen on screen?
Going To Town On Her Throat
Trying to find a specific hotel that i stayed in back in 2008. It had a room with a balcony that was literally over the ocean. Any ideas?
The happy smiling face of a man who killed 4 innocent people and paralyzed another, whilst DUI
TIL Ethan Couch the "Affluenza" teen who killed 4 people and paralyzed another whilst DUI, actually only spent 2 years in prison...and is getting married this September
Growth on underside of breast. Cancerous?
For GME to gap up and boom tomorrow
First picture of dad who died on Jet2 flight to Liverpool
£13.75 but it’s top
The grazing tables I've made over the last couple of years for Boxing Day
1:00/100m Freestyle Wedding Challenge
GME strike prices of $120 are still pouring in. What's going on?
🇸🇪 SWEDEN-Scandinavia shareholder count
Regards with $30c right now
Hit 13xx shares today, I had 6xx shares when we hit $80 in pre market back in May.
She’s Here
Guys something is happening!!
Could he do this with all the basket stocks?
Welcome all to the 3rd $GME Bananas report 🍌🍌🍌
What could explain the small percentage of GME investors using LEAPS ?
What methods are there to track incoming blocks of calls on GME so that we know when RK begins to purchase his next army of calls?
What's the best way to know when RK begins to buy his next blocks of shares?