338 Canada Update, LPC 177 (+26), CPC 132 (-18), BQ 25 (-3), NDP 7 (-7)
Things you can say about your pet but not about your boss
Is Saudi Arabia the only country named after a family?
What popular bases do you hate? Which unpopular bases do you love?
What are the benefits of being bald?
What is this rock-anthem genre called and what are some good songs?
Why is Bell getting worse?
Queen’s portrait to be removed from $5 note and replaced with First Nations theme
What artist can you simply not stop telling people about?
SFAH: Weirdly specific things you could micro transaction bet on
My name is Coo
I didn't knew the mic was on
What's your favorite greatest cars in movies?
Is it just me, or is even the snow in this game sometimes beautiful?
What’s better cherry coke or Vanilla Coke?
Canada reconsidering F-35 purchase amid tensions with Washington, says minister
Need a game that I can get addicted to
what region is this (wrong answers only)
Fav/best fishing spot
What's the biggest waste of money you've ever seen people spend on?
Exhibits from the Whose Line Hall of Fame
I came back to a new game.
What are they looking for in the supermarket?
What is something you secretly judge people for?
Dating profiles on a site built just for narcissistic, coercive controlling egotists.