Jmu slander
What an most unrated song?
One word
Drop the most painful lyrics you’ve ever heard
BIO 245, 270, or 290?
If you had to choice one lovejoy song to listen to the rest of your life what song would it be and why.
Best way to get to “know” each of the band members?
Name the lovejoy song...we don't judge...
Name the mitski song...we don't judge...
What’s a lovejoy song you initially didn’t care about but now can’t get enough of?
What's your OG fave LVJY song?
What’s the most underrated Lovejoy song?
what's your favourite Lovejoy lyric?
Give me your top three
What lovejoy opinion would get you like this?
We’ve all had long enough..
Name any Lovejoy song using only emojis
I’m Bored, Drop what you think is objectively the best song
are there any frats that don’t charge guys on halloweekend?
is harrisonburg a nice college town?
Microbio & Anatomy at once?
laid-back volunteer orgs?
Hershey officially canceled (via Band Insta)
Nursing Electives Question
nursing major question