How can I improve?
Inktober52 day 1: Sunrise
Guess the film?
It’s tree time
Just watched Nausicaa and got inspired to do a quick sketch
Just watched the film and got inspired to do a quick sketch
Music similar to Serenity by BAANDIT!
Camera man
Day 26: Camera
Day 25: scarecrow
How can I improve this?
How could I make this better?
Inktober day 24: Expedition
My most difficult drawing. 16" x 20". Almost zero white space. 400ish hours.
Day 23: Rust
Inktober day 22
Inktober day 21: Rhinoceros
Day 21: Rhinoceros
Day 21, Rhinoceros
Day 16: Grungy
Day 15: Guidebook
Inktober day 14: Roam
Day 14: Roam
What can I do to improve my art?