Drew the top 3 at a bus stop (go to 2nd image for original reference)
how long do you keep your collab profile picture?
Set It Off - Parasite (Cut Ver.) is now qualified 🐬🐬🐬 | Smoke map 215bpm you know the drill
Ivaxa | Fleshgod Apocalypse - The Deceit [pishi's Extra] +DTHR (Mazzerin, 11.05*) 89.02% 1004/2803x 4xMiss | 1122pp (1453pp if FC) | holdon
can i give robux as tournament prize
Visual glitch in Lazer (mac m1)
Together, they are... The Kessoku 4
If I could then I would have Konata sit on my lap and I wouldn’t let her get up until I had FULLY and DEEPLY sniffed every inch of her hair and knew exactly what shampoo she uses.
Mrekk's Title Screen is now worth 1774pp
The limit does not exist. (mrekk fanart)
springtime showdown | please look at yuzu 🥰
i just turned 18 and this was the first thing i thought of
mrekk is joining the list
mrekk now has his own unique title!
Should i upgrade my osu tablet?
After the rework, the gap between the number 1 player and the number 2 player has been narrowed to 4,358pp
NyanPotato | Tim Follin - Title Screen [Extreme] +HDDT (Mekadon, 10.12*) 99.30% FC #1 | 1194pp | REACHED #9, LIFELINE IS NOW 2 DIGIT...
Rating the top 20 based off their in-game usernames (funny rambling video) (also kyer voice reveal)
PSA: If you have some wrist / hand / elbow pain, DON'T IGNORE IT (MEGATHREAD)
How are ya'll going to watch season 2 when it comes out?
my friend guesses lucky star character names (copied idea from u/ConsumesTheSoil)
Found Bocchi-Chan while visiting London
Should I open the door? They look really sleepy.