What should I watch next?
Claiming cornell ‘29 free t shirt
Cancelled Tv show recommendations?
Help Me Finish My World Cinema List...
Lost all hope and finna crash out 🗣️
Oberlin decision very soon!
Did any intl get accepted to skidmore?
help for fall 2025
3 waitlist and 1 rejection in an hour
i got into mit—and it’s thanks to you
if you could get in to any college in the world, with full ride, what would it be and why?
i will get a columbia likely today i will get a columbia likely today i will get a columbia likely today i will get a columbia likely today i will get a columbia likely today
Happy Holi and Happy Fagu Purnima
International student that needs advice
Colorado is out
Got rejected by 5 uni in a single hour
where is carleton decision? Its been already over 30 minutes :/
Colorado College Out
washu out
Trinity University decision out
Thought tOSU Satellite campus was the best I could get, but today I just clutched a full ride to Denison
Kenyon RD released
I'm looking for movies about an intelligent, ordinary person.
Need Extremely “Fucked-Up” TV Show Suggestions
Help me find my next series? something not on this list!