When do weekends start to suck less?
How to prepare when you’re older?
How to make yourself a grandparent - Washington Examiner
My wife doesn't seem to need husband/wife time anymore and it's starting to hurt
Does it feel different this time?
Daniel is home!!
What's your favourite age so far ?
How many kids do you have, how many do you want and why?
Semen retention and effects on healthy sperm
I love being a dad
Daniel - 3 month update
13 year old said no to Porn Hub
What’s the first major world event you remember?
Being a parent is wonderful
9 months in one of the things I’m most thankful I did during the newborn phase is listen to the same music artist every time I put my daughter to sleep for the first 4 months
BREAKING: Trump is housing nearly 300 Florida linemen for free at his Doral Miami resort ahead of Hurricane Milton’s landfall… Thank you, Mr. President! You will live in the hearts of Floridians forever ❤️
A dick joke gets her in the same room as LeBron James, goddamnit!
Can’t wait for the in depth analysis of the throat GOAT
Graduated last Sunday and I’m obsessed with him.
How do you guys plan on dealing with old age?
few more 🎀
(Venting scroll away if you want) Probably the saddest moment of my life. (Sorry for my bad english)
Early pregnancy girlfriend starting to be really in love with me
What if it just happens over and over again?
the more u retain before impregnating the female, the better your child will be
What songs do your babies like?