If you could go back in time and take back one old top player to the present day, who would you take and why? and would they still be able to keep being at the top of their game?
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any tech farm maps
Enough happy talk! What’s something you DISLIKE about Terraria?
Nimi will be live playing the Sims 2 at her usual time + 15 minutes! (3:15 PST)
Eqquinox | Yorushika - Haru [Rememberance] +EZ AR-∞ (Ratarok, 5.91*) 1345/1350x FC
PinkEyeFan2013 | Mage - The Words I Never Said [Regret] +NC (Strategas, 8.79*) 97.82% FC | 980pp | REACHED 2 DIGIT!!!
Overtaking mrekk in pp or overtaking Maliszewski in badges. Which one will happen sooner?
yamss | Boots Randolph - Yakety Sax [Ridiculous] +HDDT (Mashley, 8.03*) 96.87% 712/1381x 1xMiss 2xSb | 553pp (632pp if FC) | 92.35 cv. UR
My phone charger that still works
What if.... WhiteCat is the one to fc the Arles diff of Freedom Dive?
pp integers have been fixed in newest stable update
Vedal is just kirito from SAO
My recent struggle
mrekk has now exceeded in game integer limit (32767) meaning that his pp no longer displays in game
hyperx wooting
Problem streaming osu! on discord
Me vibin'
Angelsim is now gray
Cultist not spawning
Player quiz emoji edition
is this the highest score on a single RANKED play? i don't think i've ever seen a higher one
milosz | Hatsune Miku - Mythologia's End [Myth0108ia] +HDDT (val0108, 9.41*) 98.88% 2116/2368x S-Rank | 1076pp (1174pp if FC) | POMPA
chatgtp top 50