Cat just recently started pooping on the floor
Wanted to let the trade deadline pass before I posted again. Last is bad player hated by fans.
This one felt sooooo good (Finally beat purple stake)
Immediate rare joker seed
Kirk Reigns weather report!
What are your "I can't believe I used to think that" takes?
Out of these 11 options, which 3 are you choosing?
Red Gem when recruiting?
Weather Report with Kirk Reign
Weather Update with Kirk Reign
What is the craziest CBJ take you’ve seen on this sub or other social media lately?
Sound effects
People who have sided with The Railroad...What caused you to side with them?
What’s yalls’ favorite NSP song EVER?
Soo...apparently Ella Purnell browsed this sub alot to prepare for the show
Is it normal my coach keeps applauding me during the game and then calling me out in the locker room?
Which city in Florida should I choose?
Ah yes, equal trade value
What restaurant do you refuse to eat at?
Next Steps
Wyd here with your season on the line?
CPU Trade Proposals
Need inspiration for teams
[NHL23] Petr Mrazek