First transmog I did by myself that I am happy with, I call it "Wanderer Mage"
Questions Thread - December 28, 2024
How can an item have so many modifiers?
‘Chemdle’ - Wordle for Chemists
Dracthyr classes can fight in Visage from.
Dracthyr Classes Revealed! - Hunter, Rogue, Priest, Mage, Warrior, or Warlock
Big letdown for Evoker Mains
Why is there no "Queue for all expansion dungeons"-Button/option?
Don't want to sound elitist, but did anyone really struggle in this event even?
Hades 2 Fear Question
how to properly teach a new player?
Remember when everyone wanted to nerf Horde Racials?
Can you tell me in what race the iconic "We are checking" was said?
why the fuck are runepages so expensive
What League champion shocked you the most with it's skills on release?
what is the best way to get revenge?
24 hours log out penalty on death
How would you like skins and cosmetics to work? Tradeable? Variants of acquirable armour?
Any Concerns Regarding Map Size Increase?
7.1 Story Flowchart (Serpentine)
Update on this month's developers livestream *possible* combat update
Coach Curtis response to the thread about Neace struggling in Bronze.
Daily Questions & FAQ Megathread (Jan 25)
Daily Questions & FAQ Megathread (Jan 19)