EAs in Dubai
How do you guys feel about being an EA? How do people in the organization think of your position?
Le Meurice
What’s an app that’s worth paying for premium?
Primary field of a grouped linked records as a “merged cell” instead of a section
Subscription-based models
Shopify v. Squarespace v. DripOS
Shopify v. Square for food/beverage industry
Turkish version of Alibaba
Shopify v. Square v. Dripos
Square v. Shopify for food/beverage industry
Shopify v. Square in food/beverage industry
Shopify v. Square
Any Experiences with datewithamuse.com coaching / retreats?
A note taker during meetings (no other input)—what does it make you feel?
Reporting copycats and dupes
Tiktok email address
How to deal with dupes and copycats?
Shopify solution on fraud
Don't know what I'm feeling
ADA Lawsuit
Failed in Qualification Exam in HR
Finally, employed na!!
For HR people out there, can you give any tips on how to nail interviews?