this is my delulu collection, who are you stealing👼🏼🎀
My ex F27 is upset my M28 gf F27 is pregnant. How can I repair the relationship?
My order finally arrived!! Swipe to unbox 😭🤍
Sonny UFS & trades
i love seeing new sonny fans ♡
Price check
Which Sonny should I bring to Scotland?
FAN FAVORITE IS BRIAN! Next up: who was made to be hated?!
fake or defect??
Day 3. The Hot one
Pricing of Sonny Angels?
My collection thus far :))
pulled my DISO today 😭🐰
Use only ONE emoji to represent a character in Naruto and let people guess who it is
Could someone make this tinder worthy and take the girl out - Will tip $5 to $10 depending on how good
Wife really doesn’t like the way her shirt is bunched up on her stomach. Can you guys can flatten it out? Will tip 10$ per picture
AITA for not inviting my unsupportive sister to my wedding?
Penny for your thoughts about Sai and Ino?
WIBTA if I refuse to give back my ‘neighbors’ cat?
AITA for judging a couple who came into the restaurant I work in???
What was your last 5-star read?
AITA for refusing to bend the rules on seeing my newborn just for one person(sil) even it the only chance she’s has to see him for months