My dad wonders why he never heard from government about doing any of this stuff he found on Facebook.
So this is a thing now…
Reddit banned all my accounts and I have no idea why.
Best DAW for riddim
AITA for unplugging my fiancée’s phone (fully charged) to use my own charger when my phone was at 4%?
A company driver called me a loser
Is this allowed?
For that 600 pounder we are all talking about
I want off the island
23-28 year olds, how much are you making right now and what do you do?
For anyone anxious about the US right now..
Apple reportedly gives up on its AR video glasses project
Brandon Buckingham Recently Privates Response Video To Underage Prostitute Allegations
Will it ever end?
It’s been 14 years since I’ve done this and I can’t figure it out, how do I squire a patch ID for the cracked version of FL?
What phrase annoys you when hear it?
What do you make of President Trump sending illegal immigrants to Guantanamo Bay?
I started some shit today boys
Democrat teams up with movie industry to propose website-blocking law
So apparently Cascadia lighting is dimmable
This is a stolen election and Trump is destroying the economy (canceling all loans and grants) so that people will take to the streets and he can declare martial law and keep it in place forever.
The urge Is growing. To hell with them all.