Wake me up when there's a free ladder mode
Day 3: Producing the Worst Movie possible
Reward a chest for 10 wins in free play
If I play Dooley can I get items from locked expanions?
Principal Reynad
Would happily pay a one time fee to purchase the game over this subscription fee bullshit.
New Challenges
New Dooley skin
Don't these two items (from the Pyg expansion) seem pretty OP??
Some features may not be available in your country? anyone knows what that could be?
Please get rid of the card packs toggle
Why not regionalize prices?
Open Beta Patch Note Review
I love the game- but I will drop it
So this was a lie?
Mr Takahashi takes the latest spot in the list. Next up, who‘s a horrible person that divides the fans?
Wynajęcie 95% lokalu
Which EZA are you more excited about?
This is what I call gains! Not all jabalians are natty
Has anyone ever beaten the Lich?
I give up. You guys are too good.
BoB ruins the game for me
Beast of Burden needs to be hot fixed ASAP lol, it’s insanely easy to get thousands of damage in a few days
Possible to change pledge levels?
Giving away 1 Steam game of your choice! (up to 100$ max)