Describe a Game poorly :3
Giveaway for any $70 game of your choice [Steam]
If you had an option to change one thing about the ending or game what would u change?
Stop right there . What's your best tf2 memory. ( IMG maybe related )
Next year is definitely the one guys trust me
Who's an actor who nailed a role so hard that nobody else will ever be able to live up to it?
Which hero would you ban?
Forget about hats and cosmetics - what do you have as your custom banner?
'Sorry you don't belong here'
Στη Θύρα 13 απέδωσε τα επεισόδια στο Σύνταγμα ο Χρυσοχοΐδης: «Αυτοί και οι κουκουλοφόροι άρχισαν τις επιθέσεις»
Describe your favorite Pixar film with emojis
Underrated episode, segment, or challenge?
Because you’re worth it
What game first comes to mind when you see this?
Am I going to hell?
I was playing ranked and it said that there's 6 enemies on point?
The grand tour
When the ban system launches, who are you banning?
Who’s a character you know you’re bad with but can’t stop playing because they’re too fun
2nd time playing the story and I finally found these guys
Τραυματίες σε σοβαρά επεισόδια ΠΑΟΚτσήδων-ΑΕΚτζήδων στην Εθνική οδό!
Holy f@ck what is that?!
I just encountered some meanie weenies in casual. Post shit in the comments to cheer me up
I think this would look cool