JBB Psychose
Now that Kaneki is coming to DBD who else would you want to see from other Anime?
BIDA/ Nachbarshund bellt mich an, pampiger Austausch danach
About Kaneki in DBD
Why is detective Conan so unpopular outside japan ??
Fellow gamblers, we can't let evo valk supporters to win. 5 star gamble needs to win!
Vortex MM Compatible with Ingame MM?
Bespuckt und beleidigt
I know this is a fairly small sub with only 42k people but if the mods have time can they maybe fix user flair? (This is how flair looks on my phone)
HOLY *hust*
Saddest Scene/Manga panel for you?
What’s your current tav called?
I am a GHOUL!
„Scheiß Juden“-Rufe vor Synagoge in Gelsenkirchen
Bro was just asking a question 😭
Bigotry under a Lego video 😭
i've only read this masterpiece in english and now i can finally read it in japanese with all it's glory 😭 i'm looking forward to knowing the differences in the nuances of the words and literature mentioned in the manga 😩
Ja oder Nein
Welche ist die hässlichste Berufsschule Deutschlands? Mein Vorschlag: BBS Cuxhaven
60 Jahre alte Tischlampe von Oma
Der ÖRR wieder mit einer Meisterleistung in Sachen Balkendiagramm
Luffy is gonna find the one piece before I'm done
Manga or Anime?
Wahlen Februar
Nerf Dart Goblin