My life has changed.
As it should be.
They're Everywhere!
My boyfriend met my son today.
Beyond the Static
“Come here, Scrappy!”
We thought it was a ghost.
A mother's Love
Don't let them touch you!
Rainbow Avatar gone?
"Hey babe, come look at this."
“Hey, babe. Come look at this.”
Why are you NOT afraid of death?
The Connection.
A small gesture of everyday life.
The memory.
The real reason that dogs are so happy to see you:
One of the most ANNOYING things about writing...
What do you think is each NuWho Doctor’s best/most iconic line deliveries?
Best free cosmic horror audio sources?
Looking for movies like the VVitch, Hagazussa, Devils Bath, You Won’t Be Alone
Horror Films ruined by the ending
Nothing is more inspiring.