Just a friendly reminder : This “leaker” posted the same nonsense last year…
A little kiss from turkish police to protesters. fck erdogan
Biz terörist değiliz bu vatanın evlatlarıyız
Why tf did they get d0wnv0ted? 😭
Indeed, Rick
AIO if my girlfriend in pre-vet is using chat gpt for 90% of her assignments?
Where do we go from here?
Static shocked my Windows 11 laptop
AIO- best friend cuddles with me 'as a friend' even though he has a boyfriend
Yo! So there's this Dude in leather, he's REALLY good with a whip, knows about the past and hunts a relic. There's a hot blonde, an annoying kid, and someone loses body parts cause religion, or magic or something (wasn't paying attention)
Give me a country, and I will roast it.
[APRIL 2ND DECONFIRMED] Nintendo did a reminder tweet about the Switch 2 Direct, and said only 1st Party games will be shown. Starting to become a doubter...
Anyone else a YouTube music user?
Uhh the image speaks for itself
Looking for a movie about two people who have feelings for each other but can't ever be together, or it doesn't work out despite their feelings.
Roses are red, murder's a sin
What are the most disturbing facts you know about the human body?
What does this have to do with royalism?
I need a movie that the end of if will blow my fucking mind
A short (love) story
A quiet girl turns goth and goes on a killing spree with a zombie boyfriend.
What's the one movie that made you go: what the hell did I just watch?!
So this was the reason why they took so long..
Come on now...
its a sad day boys...
Why was this sub created?
Türkiye’de turistlerin genelde bayıldığı ama yerlilerin sevmediği şeyler nelerdir?