King Cakes anyone?
Anyone witness an accident 12/20
Along with it being 0 days, please remember the rule for posting articles
2028 XL shirt needed
I desperately need awnsers
Doc told me i’m gonna die early. First time i heard this. I don’t know how to feel and deal, help
Do women watch gay porn the way men watch lesbian porn?
🔥 Ever seen/heard a Crocodile coughing?
🔥 Eiderdown has 4x the insulation power of goose down, 10x the insulation of synthetic down, and is the most water-repellent of all natural downs.
Warts on face near nose. Can anyone confirm?
My guidance counsellor told me I wasn’t “university material”, and years later I pretended not to know her.
Why is it considered appropriation for white people to have dreads, but when black people dye their hair blonde or wear straight blonde wigs that’s not considered appropriation against whites?
I’ve got 40k coins to burn, so I’ll give gold to everyone who comment on this post :) let’s go!!
I HATE the GPS in my car, but I'm told it's not replaceable. What can I do?
«1940's-1950's Paternal Grandparents living in a small South Carolina, USA town» (from the client) | restoration + perspective correction + colorization
Honors cord
Is my husband using his weekly poker nights as an excuse to meet his secret boyfriend?
Did anyone else notice Ava actually took Janine out of the Gritty photo?😂
Just had sex for the first time in over 3 years and I have no clue how to feel about it
Car salesman sold to someone else after I bought it
Unbothered. Moisturized. Happy. In His Lane. Focused. Flourishing.
/r/BlackPeopleTwitter Weekly Discussion Thread
NYT Profile on Tricia Cotham’s Snaky Behavior
My account was hacked and is now posting crypto scams. They changed my username but kept some of my photos so nothing matches up. Is this a common scam?