How can people build stronger in-person connections in a world increasingly dominated by digital interactions?
What are those ? Giant dams ?
Is this foreshadowing for the new Early Start DLC?
Spoiler! - This is how new Scarlet Enclave looks like from above.
Aggrend please
Defiance is going to be revived
Prečo Slovenky nemajú rady Slovákov, ale preferujú cudzincov, aj keď v niektorých prípadoch by nikto o nich v ich domovine ani bicykel neoprel?
Meanwhile, in the DLC's code...
[OC] "There's a gap in the questing route up ahead. It's big."
Am I crazy or is Dragon Riding max speed slower than before (after patch)?
Honest question what’s your keybind for your kick?
Skočil mi príspevok od koaličného politika...prosím vás všetkých čo je s nami zle? kedy sa tak Slovensko zmenilo? Tie komentáre nepatria botom... často sú to aj mladí študovaní ľudia... prečo? čo donútilo časť národa, aby takto zmýšľala?
Rail Station with through Tracks - is this a solution to problem that doest exist or something we should explore more?
Haven't Been This Excited For a World of Warcraft Expansion in MANY YEARS!!! Anyone Else Extremely Excited for Player Housing?
I'm free
Transparent na protest
Ako vnímate mužov, ktorý nechcú šoférovať?
Why does everything look so good on the RP5?
Throwback to the 360 display in Hankyu Sanbangai/station
Thrift store find
Čo sa vám v poslednej dobe absolútne nechcelo robiť ale museli ste?
help needed asap
please tell me someone remembers this on the At&t tv
Home Agent Lied About Contract Buyout?