Should i play the Resmastered and Miles Morals before playing 2?
6 hour drive and you can only listen to one artist. Who are you listening to?
What Are Your Horse's Names and Why?
Just finished story mode for the first time ever. Fuck Micah. That is all.
Where are you living?
What is your biggest “Cheat Code” in life?
How do you tip?
Whats the hottest thing your partner does unconsciously?
What is this game called? [Wrong answers only]
WWYD? Federal Job Offer, More Than 2X Salary.
Fiancés grandma has had a rough few months. Broken hip and then fell and broke her ribs a few months later. Last night she got in a car accident and is in ICU. She loves trump so can anyone put her face on trumps in this pic ? Will tip 5$.
Office hours door policy?
We need to meet [no, we don't]
What is something that you miss that you would call “The good old days” or something similar?
Do you guys go out/party even knowing you could run into students?
Boss's discount to friends, my labor and paycheck
Why doesn’t Abby mention the rat king to anyone?
What cheat code for a game is burned into your brain?
So there are no other good zombie games expect tlou and days gone??😭
Psychologically, would YOU survive The Last of Us?
How to minimize endless partial credit arguments
Be a Major Dude and tell me what one song is missing from my Steely Dan playlist.
Revenge on a Rude Waitress
What is uncle Shimu thinking? (wrong answers only)
x^7=14 without a calculator?