[2230] How I imagined the conversation
[Chapter 2200+] Asterion's Goal
I don't read the series, ask me anything you want
Is sunny doomed or has nightmare become supreme terror?[chap 2230]
Shadow Slave named Best Overseas Novel during Yuewen Global IP Awards
[Chapter 2228] I think I know what Effie is gonna do
Theory about LoS [Chapter 2228]
[Chapter 2224] Striking while the iron's hot...
[Lotm newbie] should I read the light novel or wait for anime?
At ch 51 and the forgotten shore arc is really exciting.
Chapter 1433
Sunny’s fate
How the Main Trio Built Through Each Other (The Fusion of Three Wills)
Question [chapter 2223]
Shadow core and shadow essence
Rain's weakness
[Chapter 2222]
Sunless’s Growth
First time reading a novel and this is magnificent.
What is your age?
What is it about
Would I like shadow slave?
This subreddit almost bamboozled me