Fully functional vanilla M142 HIMARS
Vehicles in bf6
people who shower for 30+ minutes, wtf you be doin in there?
RU PoV - THE Pyaterochka is retaken
Anyone else having trouble finding matches to toher players in the PTS?
What new SM2 classes would you like to see?
Current state of my empire
so the new mission is actually amazing and interesting and most surprised to me more optimised than obelisk mission oh and assault with sword is fun af
RU POV : Putin and Lukashenko meeting in Kremlin.
Sins of a Solar Empire II - Special Preview: Paths to Power DLC
It is finally done....
UA POV: During the air raid in Kyiv, a strange object flew in the sky
Any of you have cursed ships?
We already know the next update…
RU POV: A close-up photo of the previously spotted in Crimea AK-306 naval gun, installed in the back of a KamAZ truck.
What about a jet with two seats?
What are your thoughts on class locked weapons?
I didn't believe it at first, but here it is.
Hold your buckle, Exiles. Probably the saddest Mirror story ever. (Check the comments!)
Proximity chat
What's your opinion on limited ammo for vehicles?
I apologize to all of the power fisters: I did not understand your game
Does anyone would think 5 classes would be ideal? Assualt/medic should be seperate. 4 classes is outdated.
Just take a sec to think about how much better the game will feel
Ate without table see