Wait, what's that sound...
Accidentally I did a perfect [L]oop recording my new keyboard and converting it to GIF to show it to my mom
Was swimming in one of the pools in South Florida and found this monstrosity…
Posted this on r/sourdough not expecting many people to get the reference, but apparently a lot of people do! How was this symbol so wide spread pre-internet?!
Venezuela de antier
Tu mascota en miniatura
Action scene from an Indian movie
Tan lejos pero tan cerca...
The Hell Marines- In Darkness, We Vanquish
Que desayunaste hoy?
Sacado de un subreddit español, qué opinan?
Resumen de la derecha de hoy a nivel internacional (no sólo EEUU).
Doomers, Supervive, and having fun.
"Bahía Rítmica" inspirada en Cata - Uno de los lugares de "Arepa Battle Royale" mi próximo mapa en Fortnite (Trabajo en progreso, no resultado final)
Estoy trabajando en un Battle Royale inspirado en Venezuela y el autobus obviamente tenía que ser una Encava
I broke a different rule this time
Joel strikes again
He’s right tho
Remember… daddy’s money won’t be able to save you.
La Nieve es Hielo triturado, me siento pendejo no sé ni qué esperaba
The wallpaper has merged with the widgets
Ahora es diferente?
Donde esta el pana que presume del cuarto?
Make a picture based on my reddit username