Giveaway for any $70 game of your choice [Steam]
They have two things to do a day because each one takes 3-5 hours
The new 36-2903 is published
"Hey Sarge"
🔥 Scientists claim there's a world of new creatures living under Antarctica's ice cap
When you pass your PT test after not working out in months
What are you SICK of people constantly telling you?
Confetti Acquired (4 months start to finish)
Who do you think wins in a martial arts fight Chi Chi or Videl? Who do you think is the more skilled fighter and why?
Has anybody completed a bachelors degree in under 4 years?
C868 Project Selection (Mobile or Software II)
BS - IT Management Capstone submitted. How long does it take for them to evaluate?
Local On Long Island March 11th
VGC Trainer School Jan 2023 Monthly Tournament
counters to psychic terrain?
All Pokémon VGC Worlds top teams since the actual beginning. 2000, 2008-2022.
Series 1 Ruleset Released
Struggling to Get Things Going
Pokémon violet or Pokémon legends: arceus for a 7 yr old
Running a VGC tournament
With the 7 star Charizard Dragon Tera Raids starting Thursday, what will be the best counters to prepare ahead of time?
Trick Room is really strong right now. Is it possible to stop indeedee/hatterene?
Loaded dice Baxcalibur?
Learning to code at WGU