Help with frame design
Poptart quality today was pathetic. (Sorry to anyone with trypophobia)
What is the shape of my cookie cutter?
Without naming your specialty, poorly explain what you do
Performance improvement plan
What are the most memorable quotes from your residency experience?
A nurse practitioner is not a doctor
Do you see any red flags with either of these artists?
Is decay normal in cadaver lab?
I need advice. I just want to escape for a bit.
What’s the worst physical pain you ever felt?
Help me pick between these 2 dresses!
Which one looks best on me? Or which shape & color? I didn’t ever have that “wow” moment with a dress and feeling rather discouraged.
I'n terrible at everything
LPT: put your most frequently lost item in the first place you look for it
The temporary crown put on my tooth today is light purple
Does anyone know of any online support groups for Congenital Vertical Talus?
Does anyone have advice about how to talk to family about newly discovered congenital abnormalities?
Testing Tomorrow
My 4yo pup has suddenly gotten aggressive with dog walkers
WCGW When drinking the whole bottle
Struggling to cross 200 in nbmes and actual step 1
Grandma doesn't know she almost died
Step1 done :)