Commuting 40 min away
Any good vorpal picks for energy slot weapons?
How many people on PC play with controller?
Does anyone else feel like the MM in comp is out to get you?
Is double primary really that bad?
Pali with Eli cap/Snapshot
Is Comp In The Worst State It's Ever Been?
Gun to your head question for controller players
Help me choose?
What are some of y'all's hottest takes? (Anything)
Am I the only one who prefers crimils over igneous hammer?
For strong players, should we be using pulses or hand cannons right now?
Is it time to review the Memento Mori nerf?
So is the play to just get a 6-win streak?
I scraped 15,364 EE jobs from corporate websites
What are YOU bringing into trials on friday? (Please specify platform)
dungeon slug shotgoun drops with lone wolf and closing time
I feel like people are sleeping on the Palindrome.
Exalted Truth PI?
Smaller high skill content creators?
Hand Cannon Specific Meta
What’re yall using for trials this weekend?