I finished a pen
Condom snugness test as a virgin?
How do you make sure to not overexert your dog?
Roomba S9+, how does it hold up today?
Kæreste er besat af hans hobby
Not getting full marks because of silly mistakes.
Circular icons in iOS 19
Training plans without a specific goal. How do I set one up?
Slow charging, fast draining. What is wrong with my iPad?
Is it just me or muc off wet lube smells like bubblegum
Why I made my own indoor cycling app
Kvinder bliver indkaldt til værnepligt fra 1. juli 2025
Is it possible to just outright fail a calibration test? I think I did
Squishy rear suspension with high pressure. What is wrong?
Horse etiquette/Was I wrong?
Bedste (friske) espresso kaffebønner i supermarkeder?
Muligt indkøb af amerikanske droner bekymrer
Finland, Denmark issue travel warnings for US
To be respected again all over the world
Hvad hjælper det at cannabis er ulovligt når Danmark flyder med hash ?
Does an 11 speed Shimano crankset work on a 12 speed drivetrain?
Kan udlejer smide mig ud med 6. ugers varsel?
Slow drawdown and muddy bed on very coarse settings. Using Mazzer Philos. Where is the error?