I'm cute. Built good.
The way Vincent saddles up, throwing one leg over the stool from behind it always gets a laugh out of me.
My dad passed, found a bunch of old bills and coins, these stood out to me, are they worth anything?
Kindly asking for opinions please!
How it started - how it's going: my beautiful odd-eyed girl Fatosh
What do you think is John Kennelly's IQ?
Look who added me on LinkedIn
What a stud
Monthly rotation change.
Went to get on the list for an Explorer 40 and got to try on this insanely rare factory sapphire/diamond sub. Resale $176k 🤯
Why do you think it was so important to put the beer in the fridge?
Car repeatedly brakes and stops in reverse
He takes it before he eats
Papi dates everyone. Gotta be 12 and up tho!
Del, pretending to be a teen, goes "You take to the 70 East to like Dayton". What 13 year old child can give such precise driving instructions? You would think that'd be a dead giveaway for the predators, but no.
Not a single lorne quote.
Aaaaand the TCAP alphabet game is officially complete! Thank you to everyone who contributed and voted! It was so much fun to host this!!
Which rolex should i choose?
"I want to show you something...underneath my pants. It starts with a 'p' and ends in an 's.'"
Where in the chat did Dupee mention salads?
What’s your Unpopular TCAP Opinion?
Baylens parents…
“You see how this looks” wins for Y! And we are at the end of the alphabet already…so let’s finish this list with a bang and choose a good one for Z!