What move is this called?
Original versions of modern heroes
This is my weekend reading material.
Evanescence is doing work on Adi Shankar's upcoming Devil May Cry Netflix series:
It's official!! Evanescence secret project is related to Adi Shankar's Devil May Cry.
Can anyone tell me where this image is from?
Yum yum 🤤
What was your favorite alt costume in KOFas? Vampire Heidern lives in my mind rent-free
Leo (TMNT Buddies)
Create Your Own Batman Film With 15$
MVP wishes he slapped the s**t out of a certain pro wrestling executive
Carmen Carnero's Emma Frost is perfect.
Academia.edu quietly jacked up their annual price from $99 to $499 with ONE buried email sent a week before charging
Found this on instagram
What's the worst outfit/haircut you've seen in Kpop?
2xko doesn’t have enough characters imo
Tell me why you like your favorite Eminem song, and I'll guess it.
Tell me your ult groups and drop a hint about your bias, I'll try to guess who is it (others can join too)
This is the Wooliest dialogue I've ever seen
Another sketch today, for Orochi fans
Pentagon Deletes Page About Jackie Robinson’s time in the military.
New comic about hospital bills [OC]
Vocal Tones you find weird
Giancarlo Esposito Reveals He Was Originally Cast as Klaus Voorhees, aka King Cobra in Captain America: Brave New World Before Switching to Sidewinder
Croc: Legend of the Gobbos - Official Release Date Trailer
Amingo appreciation post 🙏