sort of crack team but I’m curious if this could work
Can E1 Tribbie outdamage a 2nd nihility in E0S1?
is this good enough, or am I not finished with her?
I hate it here 😭
Who can my account benefit from the most?
Ended up using some dice because I got tired of waiting for Castorice.
My Blade’s Build is a Cry for Help
Isn't Mydei's signature lightcone like, extremely good for Blade?
Is Ruan Mei a viable replacement for Tribbie in a Castorice team?
My relics lowkey suck, but which build is the better one? (Ninja Records, E0, Team is Sparkle-Tribbie-Healer) Build 1 is on the Bone planar, 2 is on Rutilant
Oh lord why is this happening
Oh uhh ok
How do you speed tune E2 Acheron with Sunday?
but user @fireflyismywaifu said she was washed without jiaoqiu how could this be?😭
How do i make my rappa do more damage???
Is Jiaoqiu worth pulling for the simp only?
How necessary is her first eidolon??
aw man, i dont have enough space :(
Is it worth farming new planar set for him? I still remember how hard it was to get good substats on those
Rate my build [i dint want her LC NGL]
How much HP is better than Wind dmg in team with Tribbie and Castorice? HP would buff Tribbie`s dmg through passive and Castorice`s dragon`s charge. Is Wind dmg a bad mainstat for Blade in this team?
Blade is so back!
Which Relic is best for an E1 and S5 DDD Tribbie
Should I go for 100% crit rate with around 170 CD or 80% with 200 CD