Big betta energy over here
Ladies who have a regular cycle but experienced a delay in your period..
New baby girl… age guesses?
Clip of Muni Long’s tribute performance of ‘We Belong Together’ goes viral because of Mariah Carey’s reaction during the song
2000s was having such cringe scenes 🙂😵💫
If you had a $25 Amazon gift card to spend on only candy, what would you get?
How do you stay awake and focused during long class lectures/work meetings?
Names suggestions ?
What is a random fun fact you learned about a very niche subject?
InnovAsian Crispy Honey Chicken/ Sticky Rice & Chung's Vegetable Egg Rolls
High protein tasty Indian cookbook?
To everyone who thought C & T initially understood the adoption, NAH they felt entitled since DAY 1!