What would you call this country?
I'm bored can you guys spell pizza wrong (image unrelated)
If you had to introduce a foreigner to SA culture with one meal, one song, and one movie, what would they be?
How can you remove cum stains from cotton clothing items?
What country is this?
What do you think of the South African Rugby team? (Bokke)
What do you think of the bokke?
What's it like being the shorter one between you and your crush?
Guess where I live 😊😊
What is your favorite Kurt Darren song?
Show me your favorite flag.
What's it like being the shorter one in a relationship?
Top comment adds a country
Why do the low tier British tanks suck?
Guys is my room cool
Which minecraft movie mob is your favorite?
What would you name this oil painting?
The fuck?
do yall think of your crush in a sexual way?
How can I make 10grand quickly?
you get to choose a superpower but the reply will be you weakness