What's your most money consuming hobby?
What's the first Star Wars video game you played?
What is this stuff on the surface, I set up the stink about a week ago and I just noticed this.
People living without sex (for any reason), what are you feeling when you hear the others talking about their active sex life?
What is the worst thing you’ve done to an ex?
Which orientation?
What are you in the top 0.1% of in the world?
Pessoas do Reddit como o seus pais descobriram que vocês são lgbt?
160L, 5 years, low tech
31 living alone with 2 cats. Looking for improvement.
Two voids
Esse cara fraudou a cota racial e passou em uma federal em Medicina, Mas o gênio decidiu postar no Instagram e não tampou a fraude, Resultado= Perdeu a vaga
Se reconhecer bi depois dos 30? Contem como foi pra vcs?
people who smoked weed after a psychosis that was caused by weed, how’s it going?
Alguém faz uso de Sertralina? Como vcs se sentiram quando o remédio fez efeito?
Meu Deus.
Is there lore reason why Miquella is on a massive pelvis?
When you jump in an oil pit...
A man rescued a child who had sugar stuck in his throat
Was there really a game in the 90’s where you punch someone when you spot a Volkswagen Bug?
Be careful out there boys
(25F) ~ rate me! Any suggestions are welcome
My husbands penis is suddenly grossing me out.
So… My bf says I have a stinky butt. But I wash the same as anyone else!
AITA for driving off after my gf insisted I open the car door for her and causing her to miss a friend's wedding?