What do you think were the 4 most important parts of Mimirs story in GOW and Ragnarok? Opinions appreciated
are there curved base sections for curved walls?
Help with Tudor 2.0 tiles
Attack of the Purple Worm!
Help with a bbeg's end goal - vampire, who has just become lord of a town thanks to the party accidentally.
Help finding good reference photos or full detailed photo of Mimirs head tattoos
Her tongue works wonders!
Help with utilising character classes in a 1shot
Elegoo mars 3 pro - build plate keeps moving causing prints to fail
When and how to tell my players I have brought back some of the 3.5e monster abilities?
'There are no stupid questions' thread - Monday, December 16, 2024
Help deciding on a beginner keyboard piano for my partner. UK
Ideas for hidden messages or puzzles within a physical notebook handout ie invisible ink.
Help creating a puzzle for a sewer/aqueducts
Advice using Inhibit-x
Werewolf Victims
Looking for help - consistent failures after 7 attempts
Player going through intense physical trial - would appreciate any interesting descriptions or potentials
Help sculpting lightning for miniatures
Prints keep failing, few prints stay stuck to print bed. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Help creating a Skill Challenge for a party either descending into or whilst within a cavernous ravine.
Local SD card recovery
Deadly trial ideas for a player
Looking for help with riddles in which the answer is bodyparts
Help making a 'cruel' puzzle for a dungeon