Say, dainty nymphs and speak, shall we play barley break?
“Why did Michael almost struggle to say ‘that he loved her’ to Kay on the phone? In the kitchen with Clemenza?
On February 22, 1943, Sophie Scholl, her brother, and a friend are all sentenced to death and put to death right away for disseminating anti-Nazi literature at their Munich, Germany, university.
When I was a kid everyone knew this man
A lion pushes her cub without knowing it is water
3.2 PSA
Postcard design // USSR // Date Unknown
1884 cartoon showing Leopold II of Belgium and other imperial powers at the Berlin Conference.
If Hindenburg hadn't died...
Katyn - Paradise Underground (Germany Poster on French Territory) 1943
A malnourished youngster from a Ukrainian hamlet during the Povolzhye famine (1921–2022)
Eugene Sandow, Father of Bodybuilding.
It's time for some NEW, REFRESHING Chuck Norris facts!
What historical evidence is there that disproves Noah's flood?
Where do all those toothpaste come from if there's no toothcopy?
To the men, what about sundresses that you like so much?
When my novel was published and hailed as a " modern classic", my heart was over the moon!
Bone Tomahawk
Why did Macbeth and Banquo meet the witches
“Parade of the Defeated” German POWs captured by Soviet soldiers during Operation Bagration, being paraded and mocked in Moscow (July 1944)
TIL the nephew of Ramon Mercader, Lev Trotsky's assassin, is a famous Italian actor and film director famous for his comedic movies
Were doctors from the Antiquity paid a lot? What evidence is there?
19 to 24. First pic is hard to post but after losing 80lbs and finding my style, I feel a lot better about myself. I’m not done with my transformation, still got 77 more pounds to go but I feel a lot better so far
"if I were to have worms and not know it, would my anti-depressants make the worms happier too?"
Erm... why is the forest moving?