I never knew Uth Duna was so colorful when you fought one outside of a storm!
What are you doing right now in the game?
Friendly Reminder: You don't HAVE to play optimally
Bad online experience... don't be like this.
The environments in Wilds are breathtaking
Not locking armor styles to gender was one of the best things to happen to this series. (Spoiler tag for endgame armor pieces)
How did you name your seikret?
Uth duna is a fucking cancer
MH Wilds is just World 2 with less innovation.
Who is your favorite apex now ?
I am Doom
Tragic realization after exploring
end game or early game just looking for friends
I dont care how good they are, im not using them
Charge blade isn’t nerfed, it got buffed and you’re just bad.
Why is this harder than the Arkveld fight ;-;
Anyone talked about the AI hunters?
Games which you gave into FOMO and regretted?
Rompompolo weapon choices make me see red.
Share whatcha think about charge blade
My thoughts on the game being "Easy"
I snagged a whopper
I'm an old school MH head and truly this game is pretty on par
I’m loving this game but…