The Last Time You Did Something for the First Time
Missing hugs
This is Eddie. He's prehistoric and loves to scream.
Where do you keep the ‘bag of bags’? And how full is yours right now?
CatGPT is here, ready to assist!
RE refusing to prescribe Metformin. Says I should continue trying to find a diet that works. Are there any supplements besides inositol I could try?
Do you put the £ sign before the number? I.e. that costs £10?
Ginger boi enjoying the gentle breeze between his ears.
Ray Harryhausen making Medusa for Clash of the Titans - 1981
My employer let me go with no warning can they do this?
What has it got in its pocketses? (Guess before swiping)
There is a moopsy infestion on the U.S.S. Elvis Presley
Can women with pcos consume protein powder?
Do you leave the washing machine door open after use?
Can you fart into a fabric office chair to mitigate the smell in a busy office environment?
Does anyone know what these are? They come from a tree. My dog is obsessed with eating them!
What single thing would you like to ban immediately?
Do you hold his hand?
Only 8 crumpets in a pack of 9
Thames Water - Cheeky bastards.
Mornington Crescent (Bassingthwaighte's Manifold variation)
“Today is a good day”
Rainbow socks!
Is it ice cream “van” or ice cream “truck”?
Is it normal to cut the plugs off a TV to 'discipline' a teenager?