Is Ambessa 6* worth it?
On wich champs I can use it?
I wish that the probability of a fitting support champion appearing in the choices would be higher.
What's up with AP carry supports?
Unstoppable force Vs one very angry bear
Runeterra champ for The Titan of the Depths 4*?
If Sion is ever added to PoC, I hope this card has this item
Game crashing instead of opening
There's no point in asking for chests back everywhere but keep playing.
Every node should include the name of the Rioter who designed it
No one told me guardian orb was THIS good
Swift Play is almost perfect. There's just one thing that kind of ruins it for me.
What's your favorite Bleach meme? I haven't seen that much or can't remember them, but this one is crazy work
6* Tier List (partial) as tested against top adventures
Lissandra when?
Jinx C6 ou Caitlyn C6? 🤔🥴
I Hate Playing With a Yuumi as ADC.
Asol summons Elder Dragon???
i did not care for project k, here's (almost) all legends of runeterra champions as magic cards
Preciso de ajuda para fazer uma denúncia
Vou sentir saudade do verdadeiro Viktor...
I'm sorry this is a downgrade in every way
[s2 act 3 spoilers] "One day, I'm gonna ride one of those things"
Fiddle + The Deceiver's Crest isn't working