Who would win the rematch?
The akastuski vs the shinobi alliance. Who’s winning?
Is this an unpopular take? EOS Masters versions, willing to debate
every beyblade character i had a crush on as a kid 😳😳😳
Why Salamanders have no problem with that?
End of Masters: which trio wins
My 1st funkopop
I just bought Funko Pop at my local grocery store, and i noticed something odd…
Peak Patrol Song
Which duo wins?
What makes Guilliman strong?
Conquest hand
Knockout Battle! Who wins?
What loyalist primarch can kill?
What is your best in universe reason he wasn't in the Masters 8?
I don’t understand the hate for Sophocles?
Lion El'jonson
How much is a primarch worth?
What's a Trope you find annoying when it comes to Powerscaling?
This mf always pissed me off all he did was aura farm but he was straight BUNS at blading 😭😭☠️☠️
Why this combat patrol is soo expensive?
julian with right rotation vs nile. julian with left rotation vs nile.
My Masters tier list (I tried to order everybody)
What's your pokemon ace/team?
Who do you think was the best Capricorn user?