This idea came to me while I was half asleep
You can’t make this sh*t up 😂
A game that knew day from night and your local weather.
This is why I love AO3
What if Arthur came back and Merlin never realized?
What if when Hiccup fell into that coma and everything after, everything we saw ranging from series to the 3rd movie, was all a dream 💔💔💀
Who will have mental breakdowns at 3am again?
What’s something you’ve always been curious about but never had the time to pursue?
How did the senior prank fail?
What does the mini fridge that's within an arm's reach of my bed say about me?
If you could bring back to life any celebrity who died too young, who would it be?
Who's doing war crimes again?
Fanfic: Honoring Your Memory
Todays episode
Devil's Advocate question
There's a zombie apocalypse, what are you doing?
What does comfort character mean?
If you’re in your 30s what is the youngest you would date?
What's the funniest thing going on where you live right now?
Husniya definitely does this
If you're gonna abandon a fic, at least inform your audience.
Message To All Members
[female] I need some positivity after the guy I was seeing said he didn't want to see me anymore 🫤
Oooooh they got me gooood
Husniya’s favor to Bob