What’s Your Go-To “Instant Mood Booster”?
Struggling to Find Students.. Need advice🙏🏻
New yoga teacher – how to plan classes?
I’m confused—so is it a yes or a no?
Tiny sketchbook from a week in Florence
no view or sell for my shop, need advice 🙏🏻
no views or sales of my shop, Need advice 🙏🏻
I just made my 2000th sale! Here's what I've learned.
which was the best personal growth book that changed your thinking and improved your life?
Everything is set for the guests to arrive so get the turkey ready and have a mince pie
obsessed over a single person's opinion of me
Obsessed over a single person's opinion on me
Scam messages on Etsy?
Doesn't asking your partner clearly what you want in bed take away your spontaneity and lower your libido?
Hey Reddit it’s my birthday
Do you expect to have sex or for your partner to take care of you sexually on your birthday?
what do you think of this sequence? Any suggestions for improving it?
A multiplayer game similar to little Nightmares?
I told my boyfriend I was horny and he didn't react and changed the subject
Strong anxiety and sadness about returning home
Finally done! ❤️
Moved in with my emotionally secure partner, and I did not know it would feel so heartwarming all the time