At least we got THREE guns and 6 range with the new detachment :O
I Played a Competitive Practice Game With the New Det. And I’m in Love
Any advice??
How do you guys feel about your main faction in terms of how viable it is right now?
I dont understand the Breacher+Cadre into tanks Meta
Better unit against Terminators?
Relearning the game where to go?
2k list opinions?
Hit rolls
Ghostkeel loadout question.
Ghostkeels !
Getting back into T'au, is SMS still worth taking?
Thoughts on 1k points
Why are Eldar codexes so consistently good?
Do people just not care how loud they are?
i’ve been playing for months and i still feel like i’m the worst player ever
Iedereen vindt Tosti maar een stomme naam voor een kat en ik wil bewijzen dat het erger kan! DUS! Wat is de stomste kattennaam die je al voorbij hebt zien komen?
Is this a good list for a semi-casual 40k game?
What Tau Battlesuit designs would you like to see in the future?
What are the best troops for kauyon?
Going to a local RTT rate my list
1st 1k list will I get rolled?
2k games - Feels bad
Opinion: Fireblades should be able to join Pathfinders