Just pre ordered this, hoping they actually deliver a good game
I am 34 years old. Will it be a social crime if I still want to play PS5 ?
Guys is this a good prize for 2050? 16/512 at 53k inr ??
Who is this(Wrong answer's only)
Why are people not going for Lfs anymore?
I tried to make a Forza Horizon 3 game cover in Forza Horizon 5 and this is the result.
I actually kinda like the campaign
I’m losing my drive to play this game because of shaft
Will you be summoning? Why/why not?
Is this legit?
Ultra Cell inc art and animations.
Whats one extremely unexpected thing they could add to Ultra Cell?
To existing fh5 players, are these worth buying?
What was your first game you bought on PS2 as far as you can remember?
My little collection
How do i turn it on now???
why do people do this
tell me a unit and I'll try my best or worst to make an excuse of why that unit is mid
Stg I'll give my account away for free if it means never having to play this pos game again
Units that fell from the meta but you still use. I'll start:
Gift Card purchase issue
will it run cs2?
Your girlfriend bought you a PS5? Well, my brother and I got us our own.
Why does it sound so bad?