Looma head fixed eyes and mouth. Feedback pls, digital midia.
Loome Face Training Feedback PlS.
Nun Study
[no spoilers] they had the audacity to be shocked
[no spoilers] Jinx, the hero the people don't want, but Zaun need
Stuck in Anger After Losing My Mom
Anon realizes the truth about class.
Taking advice from yesterday I spent at least one hour on this, what should I practice next (pls don't say legs, I am tired of them)
I consider these to be bad drawing even though some people may not think so ,they’re bad because I do not like them
Twinkler confirmed?
He is also mentally ill
Anon likes Ebony in vidya
How many people here have actually read Platonic dialogues?
Imagine being a doomer and shunning the greates gift ever given to you
Breaking news: Billionaire philanthropist Thomas Wayne has been murdered.
Trans Activists Assault a Man
Please don’t punish the servers for the system they’re forced into
Vocês fazem acompanhamento com nutri?
Hey everyone, it’s me Napoleon and I’m here to answer your questions
I got all trophies for suicide squad am I stupid?
There is no escape from it.