Boba4 Yellow vs. Sabine ECL
Timing question on exploit vs When Defeated: If I exploit General Motti, can he be used to ready the unit that exploited him?
Answers to indirect damage decks?
What character is this from marvel? Please Help. This is from marvels future fight
Kylos tie silencer replacement
First time using StudIO, wanted to try an 'Oriental Expedition' inspired 3 in 1 Medieval Dragon. (Not final yet, want to try giving the tail more articulation.)
Rules questions
Droid/Clone Tokens
Question about ambush
Fett's Firespray
Jango leader JTL question for new player
Prestige card difference between T2 and T3
Got a box and need some deck lists please!
Focus Fire
[Question] what are the deck size requirements for Twin Suns?
JTL Thrawn initiative question
Pilots on Ground Vehicles; Poe Dameron Leader
Pulled this at the pre release tonight.
2 rules questions leaders epic action & on attack
Recalibration Matrix question
Destroy All Lands For 10GGRRRR
Final JTL Cards
Twin Suns stream from 2/26?
What are you surprised we DIDN’T see in JTL?
So is Han/ Kazuda an amazing combo in Twin Suns? How does Kazuda work with Hans Flip?