What are your thoughts in this interaction between Enid and Carrie?
Book thief in “freakshow”
Alabama Barker (Travis Barker daughter)
Are you guys drinking NA beers?
What is the purpose of telling me over and over again, “I could never start over at your age; I would never do that, that sounds horrible; I feel sorry for you”? Help me with some good comebacks!
What was going on here?
Which house would you move into
Lines you cringed on HARD
In your opinion, which food tastes better the next day?
Khloe during her Cleveland Era
Who is Violet's favorite child?
Miranda fumbled this one
How do y’all feel about charlotte changing religion for Harry? Specifically interested in opinions of those who are Jewish or Christian
Give Carrie a pseudonym like she gave Big
Carrie must have let Charlotte celebrate her 36th birthday her way.
How do I get hair like this ? Khloe specifically always has this long hair that looks soft and sleek and sorta thinner at the ends, but also straight throughout with no bends .
Bought a co-op in NYC, $745k at 6.125%
40mins🥂 huh?
Thoughts on Kim Kardashian in her prime? Do you think this is when she was the most beautiful?
Why the hell did Carrie take Big Back?!
Southwest Airlines shifts to paid baggage policy to lift earnings
What's the strangest thing that made you surprisingly nauseous in 1st tri?
Which of these celeb couples are on the same "attractiveness" level?
Hated this guy
Bernie Sanders - “Despair is not an option. Giving up is not acceptable. The stakes are simply too high.''